5 Quick Tips To Enhance Your Coffee Station

5 Quick Tips To Enhance Your Coffee Station

5 Quick Tips To Upgrade Your Home & Office Coffee Station

With our 5 Quick Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Station,  your daily caffeine ritual is about to go from ordinary to extraordinary. We’ll discuss choosing the perfect coffee maker, what to look for in a high quality coffee bean and how to store them for freshness, all the gadgets and accessories to kit out your coffee station with, some cozy decor tips to create a vibe and finally some simple but delicious coffee recipes that will wow your friends, family and co-workers.

I hope you’re ready, because we’re about to elevate your coffee experience to a whole new level! ☕🌿✨

5 Quick Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Station

  1. Choose the right Coffee Maker for your needs.
  2. Invest in Quality Coffee Beans and store them well to persevere freshness
  3. Equip your Coffee Station with grinder, scale, frother, mugs, stir sticks, etc.
  4. Create a cozy vibe with plants, artwork, signage, lighting, etc.
  5. Experiment with coffee recipes to expand beyond the basic brew.

Tip 1: Choosing the Right Coffee Maker

Selecting the perfect coffee maker is the cornerstone of crafting an exceptional coffee experience.

Whether you’re setting up a coffee station for your home or a small office – with a bit of guidance, you can make an informed choice that suits your taste preferences and brewing style.

Drip Coffee Makers

How it works:  Ground coffee is placed in a filter basket on the top. A water tank is filled, boiled and at the perfect temperature, fed into the coffee grinds where it slowly drips through coffee filter paper and into a glass or stainless steel serving jug below.

Who’s it for: Drip coffee makers are ideal for those seeking convenience and a consistent taste.

Capacity: Medium – Large.

Best suited for:  Large family home or small/mid size office if you buy a large capacity model.

Price: £35 – £200+

French Press

How it works: Ground coffee is placed in the base of the French Press which is typically made of glass or stainless steel. Then the boiling water is poured in with the coffee grounds and a timer is set for between 3 – 6 minutes. The lid is placed on, without pressing the plunger down, while the coffee brews.

When the timer goes off, you slowly press down the plunger and a filter pushes all the loose coffee grounds to the bottom of the French Press, trapping them there so that you can pour out your delicious brew from the spout.

Who’s it for: If you want a robust and full-bodied brew and don’t mind putting in a little work.

Capacity: Small

Best suited for: Home or private home office.

 The stainless steel French Press we use at our home office can make two big cups, perfect since it’s just the two of us! Buy when people come over, that means filling it and waiting on it to brew another 5 min for every two cups, not super convenient. Though French Press tastes awesome, we have to keep a jar of instant coffee around for this reason 🙁

Price: £10 – £30

Bean to Cup Machines

How it works: It works like you’ve got a private Starbucks at your coffee station! Whole beans go in one chamber. Water in another. Milk in another if you go all out and get a model that does milk frothing. You simple select what type of coffee you would like, the grinders gets to work and in a couple of minutes you can enjoy an espresso, cappuccino, latte, flat white or whatever other super concoction your machine has to offer!

Who’s it for: Bean to Cup machines are for those who want every type of coffee at the press of a button.

Capacity: Large +

Best suited for: Coffee lovers, large households who do lots of socialising and medium sized offices.

 We had a £900 Melitta bean to cup machine once. It had all the bells and whistles, a wonderful machine. We tried out every coffee combination it had to offer over the week it arrived…then the novelty wore off. We realised it’s just the two of us and had both settled for the same type of coffee every time. eBay’d the Melitta and got a French Press, never looked back! 

Price: £200 – £1,000 +


Before making your final decision, read reviews from other coffee enthusiasts to get insights into a particular model’s performance, durability, and ease of use.

By carefully evaluating these factors, you can confidently choose the perfect coffee maker that aligns with your preferences, ensuring that every cup of coffee you brew at home is a delightful experience.

Tip 2: Invest in Quality Coffee Beans

Choosing the right coffee maker is essential, but in the end, brewing a great cup of coffee depends almost entirely on the quality, flavour and freshness of the beans themselves.

So to ensure you’re sipping on the finest brew, consider the following:

Freshness Is Key: The moment coffee beans are roasted, they begin to release carbon dioxide and lose flavour. Opt for beans with a roast date as close to your purchase date as possible. Freshness guarantees vibrant flavours and enticing aromas.

Explore Bean Varieties: I used to think this was some kind of coffee snobbery – coffee is coffee is coffee, right? Wrong! Single-origin beans from regions like Ethiopia, Colombia, or Kenya offer distinct flavour profiles that can drastically change the taste and intensity of your coffee.

If you’re new to coffee brewing, you can’t go wrong with one of those coffee bean taster packs you can get on Amazon. You get several little bags of coffee beans to sample and see which ones you like then you can buy a big bulk bag of your favourites.

Master Coffee Bean Storage: Once you’ve procured exceptional beans, the next step is to maintain their freshness through proper storage. The goal is to shield your beans from oxygen, moisture, and light by storing them in airtight containers. Mason jars or specially designed coffee canisters work wonders in preserving flavor.

Keep your coffee in a cool, dark place. Avoid placing it near stovetops or windows where heat and sunlight can degrade its quality.

Bonus Tip: Contrary to popular belief, freezing or refrigerating coffee beans can lead to moisture buildup and flavor degradation. It’s best to store them at room temperature.

Tip 3: Equip your Coffee Station

That’s the coffee maker and the beans taken care of. Now you need to equip your coffee station with essential tools and practical accessories that will elevate your coffee-making experience.

The Coffee Grinder: If you opt for a Bean to Cup super machine skip this part, otherwise, a precision grinder is a must.

Grind size can greatly impact the flavour of your coffee, so invest in a burr grinder that allows you to adjust the grind size to match your preferences.

Courser grinds are best for mild coffee.

Fine dust like grinds are needed for knock your socks off espressos.

We’d recommend an electric grinder for older people, especially those with arthritis. We noticed Mum wasn’t using the French Press we got her much because manual grinding was such a chore, we got her an electric grinder last Mother’s day and now she’s mad about her French Press!

Quality Coffee Cups: Opt for cups that feel comfortable to hold and are the right size for your favourite coffee beverages.

  • Double-walled cups keep your coffee hot while remaining cool to the touch
  • Glass travel mugs, perfect for coffee in the garden or on the go
  • Hand made stoneware mugs are so rustic and charming
  • Printed mugs have something to offer for every fanbase you can think of

Stirring and Mixing Tools: Keep a collection of stir sticks, spoons, or even a dedicated coffee stirrer on hand. Consider a vintage or handmade storage tub, cup or jar from Etsy to store and display them in.

Scales and Timers: For precision brewing a digital kitchen scale and timer are a must for your coffee station. These tools help you measure coffee grounds accurately and time your brewing process perfectly, resulting in consistent and delicious cups of coffee.

Coffee Storage Solutions: As discussed previously, you got to keep those coffee beans fresh. Invest in a smaller, decorative, airtight coffee storage container to sit out at your coffee station then find a cold dark spot nearby to store bulk beans in larger, cheaper air tight containers.

Tip 4: Create a Cozy Atmosphere

Beyond the beans and brew method, it’s the small details that can make a significant difference in the ambiance of your coffee nook.

Coffee-Themed Signs: Hang a charming coffee-themed sign on a wall nearby, such as “But First, Coffee” or “Coffee & Friends The Perfect Blend” These signs add character and create a talking point when friends and co-workers gather for a cup and a chat.

Lighting: Introduce soft, ambient lighting to your coffee station. Consider string lights or a stylish pendant light with a warm glow. Soft lighting not only creates a cozy feel but also sets a relaxing mood.

Service Tray: Splash out on a beautifully crafted service tray to cart your coffee off into the garden or your favourite socialising area.

Candles & Incense: Tantalise your senses even further with the addition of scented candles or incense. I swear, we have a cinnamon scented candle near our coffee station and it actually tricks your brain into making your coffee taste like Christmas!

Coasters: Wood slices, chipped slated or up cycled vintage tiles…choose colours and patterns that match your overall decor and save coffee rings staining your furniture in the process.

Tip 5: Experiment with Coffee Recipes

While your daily cup of black coffee may be a comforting ritual, don’t limit yourself to the same old routine. Embracing the world of coffee recipes can infuse new life into your coffee station and your taste buds.

Classic Coffee Recipes: Start with classic recipes like cappuccinos, lattes, and macchiatos. You can pick up a milk frother and attempt to create beautiful latte art using coco powder to not only enhance the taste but also add a visual delight to your daily brew. A well-made latte can turn your coffee station into a mini café.

Cold Brew Creations: Expand your horizons with cold brew coffee. Its smooth, less acidic profile makes it perfect for experimenting with flavours. Create your own cold brew concentrate and mix it with various syrups, spices, and milk alternatives for a refreshing iced coffee experience.

Seasonal Specials: Embrace the changing seasons with seasonal coffee recipes. Pumpkin spice lattes in the fall, peppermint mochas in winter, and fruity iced coffees in summer can elevate your coffee station’s charm and introduce exciting seasonal flavours.

Coffee Cocktails: For those who enjoy a little indulgence, explore coffee-based cocktails. Espresso martinis, Irish coffee, and coffee-infused liqueurs can add a touch of sophistication to your coffee corner, making it a versatile spot for day and night.

DIY Syrups and Creamers: Get creative by making your syrups and creamers. Experiment with ingredients like lavender, cinnamon, or cardamom to infuse unique flavours into your coffee creations.

By experimenting with coffee recipes, you not only expand your palate but also elevate your coffee station into a dynamic hub of creativity and exploration.


I hope these five quick and easy tips have inspired you to elevate your coffee game and upgrade your coffee station. Start implementing these changes today and savour every sip of your favourite brew in your newly upgraded coffee haven. ☕